Minami shares' initial public offering and listing on the GEM online roadshow
Add:2023-05-26 18:59:00  Views:
On the afternoon of May 26, 2023, Minami Acoustics Limited. (securities abbreviated as "Minami Shares", securities code "301383") issued shares for the first time, and its online roadshow for listing on the GEM was successfully held.
Feng Yanru, Chairman of Minami Acoustics Limited, Tang Nanzhi, Director, Secretary of the Board, and Chief Financial Officer of Minami Acoustics Limited, President of Huaying Securities
Layoff assistant and sponsor representative Zhou Yili and Huaying Securities executive director and sponsor representative Su Jinhua attended the event and Fully interactive communication with investors.
At the beginning of the road show, Feng Yanru, chairman of Minami Acoustics Limited, delivered a promotion speech, saying that Minami Acoustics Limited. is committed to hearing.various smart wearable products such as mobile phones, and derived from smart headset manufacturers to smart medical, AR/VR and other sound and light-electric integrated products
solution provider. This issuance and listing will be a milestone in the development history of Minami Shares and a new starting point. In the future, Minami Acoustics Limited. will adhere to the market-oriented, customer-centered, product-focused approach, follow the path of independent research and development, and seize the market opportunities brought by technologies such as intelligence, wireless, artificial intelligence, and big data. Continuously change and innovate, and pursue quality and steady growth.
Zhou Yili, assistant to the president of Huaying Securities and sponsor representative, delivered a speech, saying that after years of hard work, Minami has become a solution provider for audio-optical integrated products such as smart headphones, smart medical care, and AR/VR. The investment project of Minami Shares is closely centered on the company's development strategy. The funds raised will meet the company's capital investment needs, maintain the company's leading position in the industry, and expand the company's leading advantages. After entering the A-share market, I believe that with the continuous improvement of product technology content and the company's core competitiveness, Minami Shares can bring continuous returns to investors. Huaying Securities will strictly follow the requirements of the securities issuance sponsorship system, diligently and responsibly carry out this issuance and continuous supervision work, assist Minami Shares in the healthy development of the capital market, and share the development fruits of outstanding enterprises with investors.
In the interactive session of the roadshow that followed, investors fully interacted with the company's executives and sponsors through online interactive Q&A sessions on the company's development history, the specifics of the investment projects, future development plans, and other issues.
[Increase investment in the big health track to create the second growth pole for sustainable development in the future]
An investor asked, what are the development directions that the company will focus on and tackle in the future?
Feng Yanru, Chairman of Minami Acoustics Limited Co., Ltd. replied that on the one hand, it is to maintain the basic market, serve the high-quality large customers that have been cultivated for a long time, and continue to develop new customers by leveraging its long-term experience and comparative advantages in the headphone ODM field. At the same time, the raised funds will be rationally used to enhance the company's R&D capabilities and manufacturing capabilities to match customer needs and better tap and convert customer orders.
On the other hand, based on the layout and accumulation in the field of health acoustics for many years, it has increased investment in the big health track, and created the second growth pole of Minami's future sustainable development through research and development and implementation of mature products with large market space .
[The company's AR glasses product line has achieved mass production and shipment, and will continue to expand new projects in the future]
Some investors asked, to what extent is the AR glasses business currently progressing, and what are the company’s expectations for this business?
He replied that during the reporting period, the company expanded its AR glasses product line and achieved mass production and shipment. AR/VR not only represents the rise of a new consumer category, but also represents the rise of home audio-visual products. The deepening of diversified consumption is one of the changes in the home display market. China has become the innovation center and consumption center of the global AR/VR industry. Combined with the development speed of my country's 5G industry, the AR/VR industry has great market prospects in the future, and the company will expand new products or projects in education, commerce, industry and other fields. At the end of the event, Feng Yanru, chairman of Minami Acoustics Limited Co., Ltd., made a concluding speech, saying that in the future , all employees of Minami will create better products and better performance with a more innovative and pragmatic spirit. The company will move towards the goal of becoming a globally competitive solution provider of smart medical and acoustic-optical products, and strive to become an excellent listed company worthy of the trust of investors, in order to repay investors, employees and society.
Minami Electroacoustic is committed to the R&D, design, and production of various smart wearable products such as headphones and healthy acoustics.  It has evolved from a smart headphone manufacturer to a solution provider of sound and light-electric products such as smart medical care and AR/VR.  The company is headquartered in Yudu, Ganzhou.  It has subsidiaries and branches such as Zhongshan Minami, Ganzhou Ouxiang, Minami Medical, Hong Kong Minami , and Malaysia Minami , and can vertically integrate the supply chain.
In this IPO, the company plans to publicly issue 29.06 million new shares at an issue price of 46.16 yuan per share.  The funds raised, after deducting issuance expenses, will be invested in the Ganzhou Ouxiang electroacoustic product production expansion construction project and the upgrading and construction of Minami Acoustics Limited Co., Ltd. R & D center projects and supplement working capital.
The offline issuance and online subscription dates are both May 29, 2023 (T-day). The offline subscription time is 9:30-15:00, and the online subscription time is 9:15-11:30, 13:00. 00-15:00. (Excerpted from Panorama.com)